So, as a technology leader in Acadiana,

So, as a technology leader in Acadiana, we are well versed in Social Media usage & benefits. I see many people joining LinkedIn these days but do not place a picture on their profile. LinkedIn is used by many “thugs” to get information to misuse it. By not having a profile picture, you are much less likely to get people to connect since they are not sure if your account is legit or not. Strong suggestion: Put a picture on your LinkedIn profile. Have a great day!! 337.506.2100

The million dollar question lately: Burg

The million dollar question lately: Burglar alarm or surveillance (cameras)? First MUST be burglar. This prevents the breakin. Then you may want to add cameras in strategic places. The problem with cameras is you are going to see what happened after it has already happened. The best scenario is to PREVENT bad things from happening. The benefit to cameras is it may help you or the authorities to identify the individuals. Many of the newer burglar systems now have the capability to add cameras, as well as many home convenience features as thermostats, lighting controls, heat detectors, etc. So, cameras do have a place & provide excellent solutions. But they are not the first line of defense for your personal property and life safety.

GOOD TO KNOW – Not all insurance compani

GOOD TO KNOW – Not all insurance companies grant a discount for security systems but the real savings can be from protecting your property from Theft, Flood, and Fire. These types of claims cause major increases in insurance premium and can cause a 5 to 10 year waiting period in being able to find a different insurance carrier. So be proactive and do your best to prevent these problems. We would love to help. ISS 337.506.2100,