Home office

Remote working

So, for years now TeamISS has had the capability to allow working from remote sites. We use computers, VOIP, and apps for supporting our customers, attending virtual meetings, and providing support after hours as necessary.

Remote working can actually be more productive than office work. For example, no water cooler talk, no getting distracted by “drop-in’s”, no concerns about which customer just walked through the door, and so on.

But without discipline, processes, and clear expectations, remote working can be very counter-productive. Your team members MUST understand what their duties are, how to achieve success as it relates your your business, and how you are going to monitor that.

Regular virtual face-to-face meetings are very necessary in a work remotely environment. Without them, team members lose some connectivity and engagement. We use products like Zoom and/or our VOIP phone systems have collaboration and virtual meeting capability built-in – no extra fees, etc.

Help your team to be productive. Make sure they can still share files, still use email, still have access to their phones and regular extensions. No one wants to give out their cell number only to be inundated with company calls after hours, on weekends, etc.

Help your team by enforcing or possibly implementing some rules. For example, everyone is to use email for non-emergent communication and they should check their email 3-4 times throughout the course of the workday. Use instant messaging or texting for more emergent needs. And finally, use direct phone calls when assistance is needed NOW.

And finally, a list of tips for those working remotely and desire to be productive:

  • Your computer should be in 100% great working condition. It is one of your most important tools now.
  • Have at least 1 external monitor so you don’t get fatigued from a small laptop monitor
  • Have a really comfortable and supportive chair to work from
  • Make sure your work surface can accommodate  the room you need so you can stay clean and organized
  • Put whatever steps/rules in place to stay near zero distracted. Many of you are having children home at this time. Let them know that you must work you will have some good quality time later. (And stick to that plan, don’t work non-stop and ignore those you love)
  • Noise-cancelling headphones come in very handy in environments like this as well. If you have never tried them, be careful, they are addictive.
  • Create Jam Sessions throughout the week. 90 minutes totally dedicated to an important project, task, etc. No email, no phone, no interruptions. You will be surprised how much you can get done.
  • Establish routines and stick to them. This will allow you to maximize the hours in your day so you can be productive with work, and effective with your loved ones.
  • Establish an Opening and a Closing of your work day. This will help bookend your work so you don’t get “lost”.
  • Some people find pretending they are not at home helps.
  • When you get ready to begin your workday, shower, dress as if you are going in to the office. Prepare yourself as if your most important customer knock on your door at any time.
  • Most people find scheduling blocks of time for work and for personal makes this work environment must easier to manage.

Well, hopefully this information has helped someone to work remotely more easily.

Have a great week!

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