IT’S FRIDAY!! Today’s topic is email.

IT’S FRIDAY!! Today’s topic is email. We have had hundreds of customers recently affected by a change made by a local Internet Service Provider (ISP). So let’s learn something this morning. Anyone wanting Internet Service has to purchase that from an ISP, with that service comes some free email addresses. FREE is GOOD. PROBLEM: when the ISP make changes, your email is affected. When the ISP gets bought out, your email is affected. If you decide to change from a DSL to Cable ISP, your email goes away. SOLUTION: Use another FREE email provider like Gmail. There are many others but Gmail is simple, works, is flexible, and – it’s from Google, and that is always good. TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE MY CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS, I can’t change. SOLUTION: Easy, forward your current email address to the new Gmail address. Each time you get a forwarded email, notify that person of your new address. Might take a year to transition, might take a little shorter…. Good luck. Have a great weekend. Contact ISS for your IT and Security needs.,, 337.506.2100

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